Friday, January 28, 2011

Methods 1 and 2

Web 2.0… I was unaware of this concept until now.  In went to Wikipedia (like I always do) to see what it had to say about it and I came across this:
Examples of Web 2.0 include social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies.”
Well that’s how I use the web in my personal time, truth be told. I use Web 2.0 sites or tools every day: I have a facebook (so does every member of my family, that’s how we keep contact with our loved ones that live out of town), I tweet, I blog, I love youtube and I’ve recently  used  it to learn little things like how to French-braid my hair, how to paint designs on my nails and glue rhinestones in them, and to show my husband how to install a door. I became addicted to IM when I was 17 and gave it up a few years back (sort of…). So really, I would say that in my personal life, I’m a pretty enthusiastic Web 2.0 user.
Now, the question is:  how can I apply it to my library? How can I make my library a “Library 2.0”? I can see how using these tools will help update a library and even make it more appealing, but I think the limitations that I have is that the computers in my Leaning Resource Center are supposed to be used for educational purposes only.  No Social Networking is permitted.  And I need to find out the way to use these tools for learning and not only for personal use, so that it makes sense for my library to become a “library 2.0”